Four Years On | A Quickie with Lady Macbeth
As part of our 'Four Years On' series, director Hannah Drake caught up with the original cast of Macbeth at the Redcliffe Caves to hear what they're doing now, and how the production shaped them.
In today's blog, Nicola "Nikki" Stuart-Hill shares her experience. In both 2015 and 2016 she played the roles of LADY MACBETH, LADY MACDUFF and WITCH.

HANNAH: Nikki, tell me what made you want to get involved with this production?
NIKKI: Because I knew it would be unforgettable - it was in a cave - I thought, it will be fun challenge and I won't forgot that one when I'm 80 ..... I do forget some jobs already....!
Also because [it would be] directed by a woman, but mostly the first.
HANNAH: So what was the reality of performing in the caves? You did it for two years in a row - did you have any particular challenges?
NIKKI: Yes, [it was tricky] on the voice but extra focus on warm ups helped and sleeping well.
[I] also couldn't see sometimes but then it was all part of the amazing atmosphere!!
HANNAH: Probably not helped each time you had to cover your head with the witch cowl costumes! Despite all that, do you have a favourite memory or two from the experience?

NIKKI: Scaring the sh**t out of people with our very brilliant witches noises. Loved those witches.
Running around literally as a mad woman in the out damn spot scene getting my hands dirty in the earth and seeing where I could run.
HANNAH: Did the experience change you? Did you discover anything about yourself?
NIKKI: [Yes], that I can perform well vocally in cold climates! [And] performing in low light works well!
HANNAH: It was definitely atmospheric. Do you have a favourite moment within the show itself?
NIKKI: The drunk scene song [stands out]...also if I may pick an off stage one...Zac's [warm-up] song : "Arse hole, Arse hole, Arse Soldier I shall be...."
My fave bit [though, was] the sword fight scene, and doing the out damn spot on a personal note as I love a bit of crazy.

2015 Production Photography by Graham Burke
Rehearsal Photography by Lisa Hounsome Photography
2016 Production Photography by Jamie Corbin